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- Explaining Agile - Martin Fowler and Neal Ford at USI 2013
- Martin Fowler and Neal Ford talk a bit about recurring problem in agile teams: Most people understand “how to be agile”, but do not understand “why be agile?”
- Dilbert - Why are we always “behind the schedule”?
- Sometimes we see we are behind the schedule, but do not remember the origin of the schedule itself.
- Why Don’t Managers Understand What Good Testing Is?
- The Internet gives people access to the most experience people in each field. Very often, experts are simply wrong - CONTEXT is essential. You say to your manager that your context is different and the expert’s solutions would not work for your product. That’s it, right - problem solved? Maybe not…
- A Day with Cypress Part 2
- Cypress is one of the more awesome tools that allow you to “test the UI” instead of “test through the UI”. Differently from Ember Testing tools, it is application tech stack agonistic.
- If we do a sanity testing before release, then do we need to do regression testing again? - Michael Bolton on Quora
- Context is essential - “proven” receipts do work… for the contexts they were implemented. So, when is regression testing necessary?
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